The skin we have is not only a nice layer to check out, but is a proper "organ", having its own life and rules, physiology, chemistry and...psychology! It's intimately connected, via the blood and lymphatic vessels, with the inner organs, especially liver, kidneys and defense mechanisms and in reality often shows signs of inner imbalance. Little spots, rashes and dermatitis, yellowish patches, acne and acne rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, hives, are merely little types of the connection Why? Simply because your skin is a reflection of what is going on inside and also because it acts as detox organ as well as the inners one.
By sweating or through the sebaceous glands your skin releases toxins from the interior participating to the inner cleansing system. This really is certainly one of the reasons why it's so important to help keep the epidermis cleansed and healthy in order to fulfill its job at its best. An unhealthy body will result in an unhealthy skin and vice versa.
If you consider that your skin, normally, weighs 10 kg in a grown-up and the outer layer is completely renewed every 28 days, you can know the way fast its turnover is and how vital it's to nourish and feed your skin both internally and externally, with the best nutrients in order to keep it young, moist, and healthy.
A thing that only few people know is that your skin breathes absorbing oxygen and releasing CO2. I prefer to call your skin "our external lung" ;.And again only by keeping your skin cleansed and in a healthy body it can try this important job. Once the skin is made toxic by using synthetic creams and cosmetics, full of manufactured chemicals, preservatives and petroleum derivates (petrolatum) the result is that it is clogged and won't find a way "to breathe" ;.Synthetic products are the main answer to an opaque and tired looking skin, lack in oxygen and vitality, with the tendency to lines and wrinkles.
The skin needs many nutrients to be maintained young and healthy such as for instance ω-3, ω-6 called EFA (Essential Fatty Acid, "essential" because the human body cannot produce them its self and therefore they must be introduce trough the diet), Vitamin C, A, Silica, Sulphur, etc. and these originate from an healthy diet plenty of organic raw vegetables (they are richer in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants), organic cold pressed vegetable oils (olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, flax seed oil etc.), nuts, seed sprouts, fish. And water, water, water, the purest possible, to hydrate the body and to favourite the metabolic exchanges and drain out the waste. Unhealthy foods, too much alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and not enough physical exercise, slowly will reduce the oxygen and vitality and your skin, alongside the body, will be affected.
What we wear the skin we have too should reflect the exact same principle: skin products should nourish and feed the skin we have the exact same way we nourish and feed our body with the best food possible. Therefore chose oil based organic skincare as oil is very similar to your skin sebum hence more welcomed by your skin, with high content of ω-3 and ω-6, β-carotene, chlorophyll and antioxidant.
Moreover I also have to underline the close link between the skin we have and our brain, meaning how our inner emotional state and our way to deal with life and problems can impact the skin.
The skin itself, during our foetal life, originates from the exact same embryonic layer (ectoderm) were part of the brain originates from and, as a result of this very close link, many of our emotions may be "somatised" on the skin. In the medical world we know that stress can aggravate skin complaints such as for instance eczema.
On the other hand through your skin we could send positive messages to your skin so as relax, produce endorphins and release tensions. This simple evidence is applicable to the babies: massaging or cuddling them they receive a relaxing and positive input from the mother or father. This can give the babies reinsurance and protection sensation and these memories will be kept for almost all their life.
Therefore, in this manic life we're in, it's a very good practice to invest part of our time incorporating an organic skincare regime, and having periodic massages, or reflexology, or all sort of therapies acting manually on the skin. Your head will relax, the stress will disappear and our mood will be positively conditioned, as well as our self-esteem, helping us to see in an alternative positive prospective our life and the world.